Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

The Village

Dilukis di atas kanvas 50x60cm, lukisan ini terinspirasi dari lukisan mendiang kakek saya yang saya temukan di rumah beliau. 
Saya tertarik untuk melukis ulang karena scene pemandangannya yang betul-betul menarik. Pemandangan hamparan sawah di sebuah desa dengan view gunung di kejauhan. Pada lukisan kakek saya tersebut terdapat semacam kolam, tetapi sebetulnya bukan kolam melainkan petak sawah yang belum ditanami padi.
Hasil akhir lukisan memang tidak sama persis, ada improvisasi yang saya lakukan. Pada lukisan asli:

  • Hamparan sawah menguning
  • Terdapat pohon kamboja dengan bunga kemerahan.
  • Terdapat empang (seperti penjelasan di atas, sebetulnya petak sawah yang belum ditanami padi).

Ada sedikit kesalahan dalam lukisan saya yaitu soal perspektif pematang sawah. Sudut perspektifnya tidak sempurna. Tapi itulah, sudah terlanjur.

Painted over 50x60cm canvas, this painting was inspired from original painting of my late grandfather which I found at his home.
I was interested to re-paint this scene because this panoramic scene is really interesting. It has spectacular view of rice fields in a village with mountains view in the distance. 
On my grandfather's painting there is a kind of pond, but actually not a pond but a plot of rice fields that have not been planted with rice.
The final result was not exactly the same, there is improvisation that I do. On the original painting:

  • Paddy fields overlay
  • There is a frangipani tree with reddish flowers.
  • There is a pond (as I explained above, actually a plot of rice fields that have not been planted with rice).

There is a little mistake in my painting that is about the perspective of rice field embankment. The perspective angle is not perfect. But that's it, already.

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