Senin, 25 April 2016

Alam pedesaan, gubuk di tengah sawah (Nature of Contryside, little hut in the rice field)

Lukisan berjudul "Alam pedesaan, gubuk di tengah sawah" ini dilukis dengan menggunakan cat minyak di atas canvas board Winsor & Newton berukuran 40x60cm. Saya gunakan cat minyak Rembrandt, Efran & Bourgeouis dan Van Gogh.
Lukisan ini dibuat di bulan Maret 2016 dan butuh waktu sekitar 6 jam untuk menyelesaikannya.
Lukisan ini bercerita tentang suasana alam pedesaan berupa pemandangan gubuk di tengah hamparan sawah yang menghijau, dengan panorama gunung yang membiru di kejauhan. 
Salah satu kesulitan yang saya hadapi saat melukis tema ini yaitu melukis pohon pisang agar tampak nyata. Dan hasilnya masih jauh dari sempurna, masih terlihat kaku dan warna hijaunya terlalu muda.

Paint with title "Nature of countryside, little hut in the rice field was painted using oil color on the canvas board of Winsor & Newton 40x60cm. For oil color, I used Rembrandt, Efranc & Bourgeouis and Van Gogh.
This paint was created on March 2016 and took 6 hours to finish it.
This paint tells the atmosphere of countryside in the form scenery of a little hut in the middle of verdant rice field as well panorama of blue mountains in the distance.
One difficulty I faced during painting this theme was how to paint the banana trees to make them look real. The result was still far from perfect, it still looks stiff and its green color is too bright.

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